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CAELinux 2010?

14 years 8 months ago #4356 by Simulant
Replied by Simulant on topic Re:CAELinux 2010?
For installation of Salome, Code_Saturne and Paraviews take a look:

14 years 7 months ago #4369 by Ying wai Man
Replied by Ying wai Man on topic Re:CAELinux 2010?
Hi, I am new to Caelinux. I like to know when I can expect Caelinux 2010??
14 years 7 months ago #4370 by Jakob Andersen
Replied by Jakob Andersen on topic Re:CAELinux 2010?
Hi all,

Yesterday I attended the OpenFOAM (extend) workshop in Gothenburg, Sweden and some interesting things came up. One thing in particular caught my attention - the mention of a full integration of OF in Salomé - sounds truly brilliant. The reason I am writing this in this thread is that it might even be possible to include this software in the new CAElinux dist.

The Salomé integration of OF is mentioned in this( web.student.chalmers.se/groups/ofw5/Abst...sakAbstract2OFW5.pdf ) abstract. There is no mention of when the packages will be available, but you can already download something from sourceforge. The name of the project is "vulaSHAKA" - if anything, that sounds promising :) The package is also mentioned in this cfd-online thread: www.cfd-online.com/Forums/openfoam/74841...about-vulashaka.html

BTW: Eagerly anticipating the next CAELinux! The effort is hugely appreciated!



PS: The "Discretizer" package for setting up OF problems has been progressing quite a bit lately (among other things snappyHexMesh integration) - definitely worth checking out: www.discretizer.org
14 years 7 months ago #4371 by Joël Cugnoni
Replied by Joël Cugnoni on topic Re:CAELinux 2010?
Thank you for this great suggestion.

I have looked at the vulashaka project: it looks really promissing, and I have found some sources on sourceforge.net/projects/vulashaka/ ... I will try to include it if possible.

I still need to find time to finish CAELinux 2010, but I have a few nasty bugs to fix and I have not found a solution yet.

Joël Cugnoni - a.k.a admin
14 years 7 months ago #4378 by grand
Replied by grand on topic Re:CAELinux 2010?
Openfoam v 1.7 has been realised !!

I think that could be interesting to use Openfoam v 1.7 in caelinux2010.

14 years 7 months ago #4384 by Jakob Andersen
Replied by Jakob Andersen on topic Re:CAELinux 2010?
Hi grand,

I am really looking forward to seeing what the new OF1.7 can do. I read the added features list and it definitely lists some interesting functionalities and updates.

I personally use OF to simulate wind turbines (or at least that is what I am trying to do) and in this respect the standard versions have som limitations - specifically relating to the handling of rotating meshes which, in OF1.6 at least, can only be done using a moving reference frame.

The 1.X-dev versions have a lot of added functionalities - among these a different and more suitable method for handling moving meshes (GGI). It seems that the 1.7 (standard) version has some added functionality on dynamic meshes, but I am not sure that this would mend its current shortcomings regarding my (admittedly, rather specific) needs.

As I have unsuccesfully attempted to add OF1.5-dev to my current CAELinux distribution (a compiler I am not), I would be a big fan of a precompiled "native" version of the package in the new CAELinux release.

obviously, if these requirements are unique to me, it would be a somewhat wasted effort...

Best regards,

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