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Bereitstellung CA Server Service für remoute astk

  • MGolbs
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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #8399 by MGolbs

ich möchte per astk auf einem Fremdrechner rechnen. IP und sonsitge Konfigurationen sind im astk "Server" eingetragen, Netzwerk ist erreichbar. Leider bekomme ich im astk keinen CA Dienst zustande. Lokal ist das kein Problem. Muss ich auf dem CA Server irgend etwas starten, konfigurieren "...as_run, asrun....", um den Dienst nutzen zu können?

# Configuration file
# These values could be overridden by ~/.astkrc/prefs

# Code_Aster web server (for updates)
http_server_ip : www.code-aster.org

# User on Code_Aster web server (for updates)
http_server_user : anonymous

# Repository of update files on the http server
http_rep_maj : /FICHIERS

# EDF development server (only for intranet usage
devel_server_ip : aster4.cla.edfgdf.fr

# User on EDF development server should be set in ~/.astkrc/config
devel_server_user :

# Local repository where update files can be downloaded before
local_rep_maj : /tmp

# The protocol the clients must used to connect this server.
protocol_exec : asrun.plugins.server.SSHServer

# The protocol the clients must used to copy data files onto this server.
protocol_copyto : asrun.plugins.server.SCPServer

# The protocol the clients must used to download results files from this server.
protocol_copyfrom : asrun.plugins.server.SCPServer

# Directory shared by all compute nodes and used as a proxy between then
# clients and the server : clients upload data files into this directory and
# download results files from it. For example : /export/tmp/PROXY_DIR...
proxy_dir : /tmp

# Default values are defined in services.py
# Schema used by the client to refresh jobs status
schema_actu :

# Schema used by the client to edit job outputs
schema_edit :

# Schema used by the client to retreive the jobs results
schema_get_results :

# Schema used by the client to get server informations
schema_info :

# Schema used by the client to purge flasheur
schema_purge_flash :

# Schema used by the client to send a mail
schema_sendmail :

# Schema used by the client to call the server to start a new job
schema_serv :

# Schema used by the client to interrupt and delete a job
schema_stop_del :

# Schema used by the client to get tail of job output
schema_tail :

# Schema used by the client to build a export file
schema_get_export :

# Schema used by the client to create a new issue
schema_create_issue :

# Schema used by the client to insert a study in the database
schema_insert_in_db :

# Schema used by the server to modify the profile before running the execution
schema_profile_modifier :

# Schema used by the server to adjust parameters for execution
schema_calcul :

# Schema used by the server to adjust the Code_Aster command line
schema_execute :

# ----- local configuration
# message of the day
#motd : $ASTER_ETC/codeaster/motd

# root of temporary space for astk services
rep_tmp : /tmp

# "Aster" platform
plate-forme : LINUX64

# Temporary directory for Aster executions
rep_trav : /tmp

# Temporary directory for Aster executions shared by all processors
# (used by mpi executions). For example : /export/tmp, /home/tmp...
shared_tmp : /tmp

# shared folders = for which remote copy is never necessary (comma separated)
shared_folders :

# choose True to create symbolic links instead of copying executable and catalogs
symlink : True

# text editor
editor : /usr/bin/nedit

# terminal for interactive calculation following output
#    @E will be remplaced by the commande line
terminal : /usr/bin/xterm -e @E

# nodes of the cluster for interactive calculation or
# to call batch commands
noeud : golbs-CELSIUS-R550

# add frontal machine (which is astk server in GUI) as a compute node
serv_as_node : True

# ...and just keep it (ignore 'noeud' list).
# This has no effect if serv_as_node is False.
only_serv_as_node : False

# ----- batch/interactive configuration
# Only LSF and Sun Grid Engine are supported now
# PBS support is always experimental

# batch : oui/non Choose 'oui' if a batch scheduler is available
# batch_memmax : memory limit in batch mode (MB)
# batch_tpsmax : cpu time limit in batch mode (hh:mm:ss)
# batch_nbpmax : max proc number in batch mode (OpenMP)
# batch_mpi_nbpmax : max proc number in batch mode (MPI))
batch : non
# automatically estimate from localhost resource if not defined
#batch_memmax : 12000
#batch_tpsmax : 9999:00:00
#batch_nbpmax : 16
batch_mpi_nbpmax : 32

# groups of batch queues and queues in each group (batch_queue_'group name')
batch_queue_group : urgent dvp
batch_queue_urgent : urgent
batch_queue_dvp : dev128M_3m dev256M_2h dev512M_2h dev2G_5h

# interactif : oui/non Choose 'non' to prohibit interactive calculation
# memory limit in interactive mode (MB)
# cpu time limit in interactive mode (hh:mm:ss)
# max proc number in interactive mode (OpenMP)
# max proc number in interactive mode (MPI)
interactif : oui
# automatically estimate from localhost resource if not defined
#interactif_memmax : 2048
#interactif_tpsmax : 9999:00:00
#interactif_nbpmax : 16
interactif_mpi_nbpmax : 32

# ----- batch commands
# bach_nom : one of LSF, SunGE, PBS, Slurm
# batch_ini : initialisation (shell script, sh/ksh syntax)
# batch_sub : command to submit a job
# batch_jid : variable to get the job number
# batch_job : to display information about jobs
# batch_kil : to delete jobs

# --- batch configuration (see examples below)
batch_nom : Slurm

# --- Sun Grid Engine example
#batch_nom : SunGE
#batch_ini : /opt/SunGE6.0/default/common/settings.sh
#batch_sub : /opt/SunGE6.0/bin/lx24-x86/qsub
#batch_jid : JOB_ID
#batch_job : /opt/SunGE6.0/bin/lx24-x86/qstat
#batch_kil : /opt/SunGE6.0/bin/lx24-x86/qdel

# --- LSF example
#batch_nom : LSF
#batch_ini : /usr/share/lsf/conf/profile.lsf
#batch_sub : /usr/share/lsf/6.2/linux2.6-glibc2.3-ia64/bin/bsub
#batch_jid : LSB_JOBID
#batch_job : /usr/share/lsf/6.2/linux2.6-glibc2.3-ia64/bin/bjobs
#batch_kil : /usr/share/lsf/6.2/linux2.6-glibc2.3-ia64/bin/bkill

# --- PBS example
#batch_nom : PBS
#batch_ini :
#batch_sub : /usr/bin/qsub
#batch_jid : PBS_JOBID
#batch_job : /usr/bin/qstat
#batch_kil : /usr/bin/qdel

# ----- MPI commands and parameters
# mpirun
#    available arguments are : mpi_hostfile, mpi_nbnoeud, mpi_nbcpu
#    (use Python string formatting style)
mpirun_cmd : mpirun -np %(mpi_nbcpu)s --hostfile %(mpi_hostfile)s %(program)s

# file which contains list of hosts (REQUIRED even if it is not used in mpirun_cmd)
mpi_hostfile : $ASTER_ETC/codeaster/mpi_hostfile

# command called to initialize MPI environment (for example for mpich2)
#mpi_ini : mpdboot --totalnum=%(mpi_nbnoeud)s --file=%(mpi_hostfile)s ; sleep 10

# command called to close the MPI session (for example for mpich2)
#mpi_end : mpdallexit

# shell command to get processor id
# OpenMPI (1.2) : echo $OMPI_MCA_ns_nds_vpid
# OpenMPI (1.3) : echo $OMPI_MCA_orte_ess_vpid
# OpenMPI (1.34 : echo $OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK
# Mpich2  : echo $PMI_RANK
mpi_get_procid_cmd : echo $PMI_RANK

# should heavily decrease the elapsed time copying the environment
# for a lot of processors (but not yet very qualified, may fail)
use_parallel_cp : no

# ------ default parameters for distributed calculations (ex. astout)
# uncomment these lines
#batch_distrib_hostfile : $ASTER_ETC/codeaster/batch_distrib_hostfile
#interactif_distrib_hostfile : $ASTER_ETC/codeaster/interactif_distrib_hostfile

# command lines for 'exectool' (see Options menu in astk)
# uncomment these lines
#memcheck : valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --error-limit=no --track-origins=yes --suppressions=$HOME/python.supp

# ps commands : uncomment lines corresponding to your platform
#ps_cpu : /bin/ps -e --width=512 -ocputime -ocommand
#ps_pid : /bin/ps -e --width=512 -opid -ocommand
ps_cpu : /bin/ps -e --width=512 -ocputime -ocommand
ps_pid : /bin/ps -e --width=512 -opid -ocommand

# debug command :
#  @E will be replaced by the name of the executable
#  @C will be replaced by the name of the corefile
#  @D will be replaced by the filename which contains "where+quit"
#  @d will be replaced by the string 'where ; quit'
#  @a will be replaced by the arguments of Code_Aster command line
#cmd_post : gdb -batch --command=@D @E @C
#cmd_dbg : gdb --command=@D @E
#cmd_dbg : ddd --debugger gdb --command=@D @E @C
#cmd_dbg : idb -gui -gdb -command @D -exec @E
#cmd_dbg : nemiver @E @a
cmd_post : /usr/bin/gdb -batch --command=@D @E @C
cmd_dbg : /usr/bin/ddd --gdb --debugger /usr/bin/gdb --command=@D @E @C

# style of ctags used (optionnal, leave commented to ignore ctags generation)
# Valid values : 'exuberant' or 'emacs'
#ctags_style : exuberant

# Allow to print compiler output (to see all warnings for example)
#print_compiler_output : yes
print_compiler_output : no

# statistics of usage (this file must be rw for all users)
#log_usage_version : $ASTER_ROOT/log/usage_version.log

Komisch ist auch, dass ich die IP des entfernten CA Servers angeben kann, der lokale Dienst aber genutzt wird, CPU Zahl, RAM.... Da scheint noch irgend etwas grundsätzlich nicht zu passen. IP's sind doch eindeutig. Die entfernte IP kann doch nicht für den lokalen Rechner genutzt werden?

Über Tipps und Infos wäre ich dankbar.

Gruß Markus

Dem Überflüssigen nachlaufen, heißt das Wesentliche verpassen.
Jules Saliège
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by MGolbs.
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