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CaeLinux 2009 64bits...?

  • Alex
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15 years 1 month ago #2827 by Alex
CaeLinux 2009 64bits...? was created by Alex
Hi forum

When is Caelinux 2009 amd64 DVD scheduled to be released...?
I like the 2008 release but it doesn't yet support large memory models... 32 bits thing..

Is it to be released soon...?

Thanks in advance

15 years 1 month ago #2832 by Joël Cugnoni
Replied by Joël Cugnoni on topic Re:CaeLinux 2009 64bits...?
Hi ,

I have to admit that I did not manage to find enougth time recently to develop this new version... my research work is just taking all my time now.

A more positive note though: I am developing a Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit distribution for internal use at work (small cluster). It contains Salome-Meca 2009 32bit + Code-Aster 9.4 64 bit compiled with Intel compilers (supports OpenMP) as well as the latest Saturne & OpenFOAM versions in 64 bits (+ some proprietary apps that I won't mention here).

I am currently struggling to make it fit in one DVD... once it's done it will serve as a basis for the CAELinux 2009 but I cannot give you an estimate time for release.

Joël Cugnoni aka "admin"

Joël Cugnoni - a.k.a admin
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15 years 1 month ago #2834 by Alex
Replied by Alex on topic Re:CaeLinux 2009 64bits...?
Hi Joel

Nice work man, keep it up :-) Hope it will be released soon...

If the Base distro is Ubuntu 8.04 64bits LTS this means that all the repos with libraries and Debian/ubuntu applications will be accessible at a simple apt-get... ? AWESOME

I have been playin around with CentOS 5.3 64bits (... adt ist purported mighty stability ) and yum update is sloooow like a turtle... and the available packages are much less...

What would you advise as a base OS for heavy load simulation in engineering? FreeBSD, Debian or Ubuntu...?

So far I have managed to install some proprietary packages ( which i still need )in Ubuntu 8.10 amd 64 ( I want to learn to use Open Source FEA (Aster, Syrthes, Canculix ) and CFD ( OpenFOAM ( already am a "power user" of FOAM ) and Saturne ) and math fast prototyping applications like Scilab, Maxima, GetDP and QTOctave as proficiently that I use Abaqus, Ansys, Matlab and Fluent...

But man, what i miss most is some tutorials...

I have taken note of the ISBN of the book about Salome and Aster... hope this has lots of examples and howtos...

I know those packages are very capable, and have impressive customization capabilities...( one can define its own elements, with its own shape functions, in ASTER, or define a new model of Heat conduction in Code Syrthes ( I have defined a relativistic heat conduction model in OpenFOAM, that accounts for "electronic Heat conduction" as well as "phononic heat conduction", Cattaneo Model )...

Abaqus or Ansys do not allow me this freedom...

This iis what I like about OSS for engineers... one solves the problem one defines... not the problem that the Software Editor defined....

This is the difference between a Phisicist's solution and a ( bad ) Engineer's solution... I am an engineer MSc though...

I will try to install today Salome 3.2.6 in Ubuntu 8.10 amd 64 from sources ( I have 8 gb of Ram, doesn't make much sense using binaries compiled for 32 bits ... most memory would be as "nonexistent"...)

Hope you will manage to give OS community one more outstanding CAELinux distro the soonest possible... NICE WORK... :-D

Will it be GNOME....?? ( wishful thinking.... :-D )

Best regards

15 years 1 month ago #2835 by Joël Cugnoni
Replied by Joël Cugnoni on topic Re:CaeLinux 2009 64bits...?
Hi again,

thank you for your comments, I see that we share the same opinion !!

here are just some more details on the next release:
Yes ALL debian 32 & 64 bits package will be available through synaptics (+ possibility to add custom repositories !!)

Personnally, for heavy load simulation on "custom made" clusters, Ubuntu (or Debian) distro are great: the size of the repository is a HUGE advantage for small infrastructures.

The OS will be a plain Ubuntu 8.04 (updated) without fancy customizations => Gnome desktop, some more apps + CAE software preinstalled & configured (if possible compiled with Intel compilers and OpenMP / MPI to boost performance). I will also include some simple scripts to setup SSH for cluster applications (unified keys authentification = no password required) and will tune the Aster / ASTK / system parameters to allow flawless execution (allow remote X connection & SSH). The result will be a large LiveDVD (~4Gb) that can be used to install the system on hard disk.

That's the plan!

One shortcoming of 64bit system is that it is really hard to run in a Virtual Machine: you NEED a 64 bit CPU with supported Virtualization extensions... additionnally, Ubuntu does not allow to run 3D hardware accelerated apps in LiveCD mode => no Salome Meca or GMSH in LiveCD mode!!

Anyway, the previous PCLinuxOs based version will be kept online for those needing 2bit system, LiveCD apps or VirtualMachine.

And in a near future, ALL machines will be 64bit anyway!

By the way, if anybody can package code for Ubuntu/Debian, I am interested! To reduce the size of the distro, I am investigating (long term) to prepare DEB packages for specific apps and to setup a custom package repository for CAELinux... but we will see after this first Ubuntu release!

Joël Cugnoni - a.k.a admin
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15 years 1 month ago #2839 by Alex
Replied by Alex on topic Re:CaeLinux 2009 64bits...?
Hi Joel

Just one bit "tiny" favor CaeLinux Developers Team could make to the OSS ppl that have Laptops with Broadcom Wireless cards...

Mine is a BCM4312... the firmware has finally been released by broadcom... Ubuntu 8.10 amd64 ( the one I use in my lappy ) has support for this card... could you ( Or someone in the development team ) make CAELinux 2009 support BroadCom BCM43xx cards...?

plizzz...? :-)

Thanks in advance.

About packaging *.debs for future CAELinux releases, I don´t know how this is done, the only experience I have in packaging applcations is with rpms, for Fedoras RHs CentoS and SL...

I think that the mechanism of packaging a *.deb to be installed from source is a bit different from *.rpm based...

( I am a newbie in Debian/Ubuntu world... )

15 years 1 month ago #2840 by Alessandro
Replied by Alessandro on topic Re:CaeLinux 2009 64bits...?
Dear Admin,
thank you for your job on caelinux until now.
I have a 64bit machine working now (Salome+Code-Aster) but Caelinux is a step ahead, with its Intel compiled software and the MP support!
I'm only a little bit concerned about the choose to use Ubuntu, I had bad experiences in the past.

Let's know if you need help on something, I'm not able to program but I can make some preliminary tests.

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