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New 64bit version of caelinux?

  • Alessandro
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15 years 3 months ago #2614 by Alessandro
New 64bit version of caelinux? was created by Alessandro
Dear Admin,
first of all I apologize to have not answered to your call for help in developing the new 64 bit version. The reason is that I think to be not skilled enough for this work :-( ....

Now my question: I have reached the limits of the 32 bit version, so, in your opinion, is it better for me to learn by myself how to install the 64bit version of code-aster? Or just wait until your new caelinux will be available?

If you still need help, let's see if I can do something, at least as beta-tester. Thanks to big world crisis, it seems to me that I will have more free time in the next future! ;)

Regards, Alessandro.<br /><br />Post edited by: Alessandro, at: 2009/02/16 10:12
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