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Streamlines in Code_Saturne etc.

15 years 6 months ago #2394 by Claus
Streamlines in Code_Saturne etc. was created by Claus
Forgive my ignorance, but I learn CFD by self-study and experimentation.

A couple of questions:

If I make a mesh containing the shape I want to analyse, the model HAS to be connected to the 'outside' world, otherwise Code_Saturne (CS) wont recognize the groups:
This is a no go:


What am I doing wrong?
How do I do an analyses on a 2D mesh? Most of the time I'm only interested in the 2D shape for experimentation.
How do I create streamlines rather than visualizing the whole mesh? I'm using Ensight Gold format and Paraview for visualization.

Here I've created two slices for better visualization.

Now I know my questions are weak at best, but maybe next semester I have the time to sit down and read a book on CFD cover to cover - right now CFD is just for relaxation amd fun. :)

Code_Aster release : STA11.4 on OpenSUSE 12.3 64 bits - EDF/Intel version
15 years 4 months ago #2548 by Jake
Replied by Jake on topic Re:Streamlines in Code_Saturne etc.
I can't get SALOME to display streamlines either...
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