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UNV2Calculix mesh conversion

15 years 11 months ago #2197 by JMB
UNV2Calculix mesh conversion was created by JMB

I am trying out the UNV2abaqus.py to convert a Salome created UNV file to a CalculiX Abaqus compliant format. The UNV file contains Quadratic Tetrahedral elements and when I run the CCX solver I get numerous errors like:

*WARNING in e_c3d: nonpositive jacobian
determinant in element 41349

This is an indication of distorted elements, which leads me to believe the nodal mapping between UNV and Calculix in UNV2abaqus.py is not correct. Has somebody solved or corrected this problem? If so could you please post the solution? Thank you.

JMB<br /><br />Post edited by: JMB, at: 2008/08/13 06:13
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15 years 11 months ago #2199 by Massimo De Marchi
Replied by Massimo De Marchi on topic Re:UNV2Calculix mesh conversion
You are right, I made an error in mapping the nodes.

I tried to correct the file (check the attached file). Unfortunately I have no been able to work with Calculix lately, so the error persisted.
Try to substitute the converter with the attached one.
If you vant to play with it, the array inp_to_med_xxx maps the nodes from aster in the order expected from calculix.

Massimo<br /><br />Post edited by: Massimo De Marchi, at: 2008/08/14 20:45
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15 years 11 months ago #2200 by Massimo De Marchi
Replied by Massimo De Marchi on topic Re:UNV2Calculix mesh conversion
Problem with aattach files..

Attachment unv2abaqus-ecf29b2249660574cbd4203b378d27d0.zip not found

15 years 6 months ago #2438 by Jean Paul Voyat
Replied by Jean Paul Voyat on topic Re:UNV2Calculix mesh conversion

this post has been helpful to me, but I still have a problem...

This is what gives me the program when I try to translate my .unv file:

jpv@jpv-laptop:~/Documents/Resista/Manipolo/Salome$ python '/home/jpv/Applicazioni/unv2abaqus/unv2abaqus.py' ManipoPE2.unv ManipoPE2 R
Traceback (most recent call last):
File &quot;/home/jpv/Applicazioni/unv2abaqus/unv2abaqus.py&quot;, line 47, in &lt;module&gt;
File &quot;/home/jpv/Applicazioni/calculix-ccx-1.8/unv2x.py&quot;, line 203, in parse
File &quot;/home/jpv/Applicazioni/calculix-ccx-1.8/unv2x.py&quot;, line 107, in UNV2412Reader
IndexError: list index out of range

The program works well with a smaller, non quadratic .unv mesh of the same object ...

Is there something I can do ?

Thanks for your attention

JP Voyat
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15 years 6 months ago #2440 by Massimo De Marchi
Replied by Massimo De Marchi on topic Re:UNV2Calculix mesh conversion
Is the problem related to the quadratic elements or the mesh size?
What kind of elements are you using?

14 years 4 months ago #3939 by Thorsten
Replied by Thorsten on topic Re:UNV2Calculix mesh conversion
Hello all together,

i've got a problem with using unv2abaqus under windwos.

I've downloaded Python, and the unv2abaqus.py
And i designed the Geometry by Salome, done meshing, exported the mesh as main.unv (e.g.). Now i'd like to calculate the eigenvalues (or something else) by Calculix.
Under windwos i opend a command line, changed directory to my main.unv.
Now i typed in: unv2abaqus.py mesh mesh N
But i got an errormessage (see atatched file error_commandli ne.png)

Can anybody help me with that problem, beacuse i don't understand the matter?

Post edited by: Thorsten, at: 2010/03/07 17:10<br /><br />Post edited by: Thorsten, at: 2010/03/07 17:11
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