Data file of SYRTHES : SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS YY YY RRRRRR TTTTTTTT HH HH EEEEEE SSSSSS SSSSS YY YY RR RR TT HH HH EE SSSSSSSSS SSSSS YYYY RR RR TT HH HH EE SSSSS SSSSS YY RRRRRR TT HHHHHHH EEEEE SSSSS SSSSS YY RR RR TT HH HH EE SSSSS SSSSSSSSS YY RR RR TT HH HH EE SSSSSSSS SSSSSSS YY RR RR TT HH HH EEEEEE SSSSSSSS SSSSS SSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS VERSION 4.3 *** SYRTHES : SUMMARY OF MAIN OPTIONS - no heat and moisture transfert model used - thermal radiation calculation *** SYRTHES : FILE NAMES READING - Conduction mesh : .../Geometry/Cond2D.syr - Radiation mesh : .../Geometry/Ray1D.syr - Results files : resu1 *** CONDUCTION : SUMMARY OF THE CALCULATION OPTIONS - axisymetrical calculation. Axisymetrical axis = Y - time step on the solid : 1.000000 - number of time step asked : 10 - no calculation of the min and max temperature field - no calculation of temperature flux field - maximum number of iterations in the temperature solver : 100 - precision required for the temperature solver : 1.000000e-06 ========================================================================================== CONDUCTION INITIALIZATIONS ========================== *** SYRTHES MESH |--------------------|------------------| | Volumic mesh | Boundary mesh | ---------------------|--------------------|------------------| | Dimension | 2 | 2 | | Number of nodes | 1132 | unused | | Number of elements | 1444 | 823 | | Nb nodes per elt | 3 | 2 | ---------------------|--------------------|------------------| *** verif_maill : number of elements reoriented : 0 *** Sorting elements according their physical properties (cree_liste_prophy) |---------------| | Nb elements | |----------------------|---------------| | Isotropic material | 1444 | | Orthotropic material | 0 | | Anisotropic material | 0 | |--------------------------------------| *** READING OF MATERIAL PROPRETIES IN THE DATA FILE --> Isotropic material imposed on the references 13 rho=8900.000000 Cp=386.000000 k=390.000000 --> Isotropic material imposed on the references 14 rho=7700.000000 Cp=460.000000 k=25.000000 --> Isotropic material imposed on the references 12 11 rho=7700.000000 Cp=460.000000 k=25.000000 *** READING INITIAL CONDITIONS *** READING THE INITIAL CONDITIONS IN THE DATA FILE --> INITIAL CONDITION : Temperature = 20.000000 imposed on the whole domain, *** READING PROBES *** HISTORIC SOLID THERMAL PROBES : - Frequency (iter) = 1 - Number of probes = 2 - specified nodes list (from coordinates)= ( 2.500000000e-02 2.500000000e-02 ) ( 3.200000000e-02 2.000000000e-01 ) *** READING SURFACIC OR VOLUMIC BALANCES --> Number of surfacic balances : 0 --> Nombre of volumic balances : 0 *** SYRTHES RADIATION MESH : |--------------------| | Volumic mesh | ---------------------|--------------------| | Dimension | 2 | | Number of nodes | 11223 | | Number of elements | 11228 | | Nb nodes per elt | 2 | ---------------------|--------------------| *** RADIATION : SUMMARY OF THE CALCULATION OPTIONS - Optional files output : NO - Number of splitting for the view factors calculations : 0 - Number of spectral bands : 1 - The radiation domain is a closed space - View factors will be stored on a file - View factors will be calculated - Solar radiation is not accounted for *** decode_clim : boundary conditions ----------------------------------------------- | Boundary conditions | Nbre of faces | -----------------------------|----------------- | Flux | 0 | | Dirichlet | 108 | | Exchange | 0 | | Infinite radiation | 0 | ----------------------------------------------- *** decode_clim_all : boundary conditions ----------------------------------------------- | Boundary conditions | Nbre of faces | -----------------------------|----------------- | Contact resistance | 0 | | Coupling with fluid | 0 | | Coupling with radiation | 710 | | Periodicity | 0 | ----------------------------------------------- *** XMAILL : Number of boundary element similar to flux for variable number : 710 *** READING OF THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS IN THE DATA FILE --> T - DIRICHLET (100.000000) imposed on references 10 *** READING OF THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS IN THE DATA FILE (contact, infinite radiation) *** READING THE VOLUMIC CONDITIONS IN THE DATA FILE --> No constant volumic source term is present in the data file ========================================================================================== RADIATION INITIALIZATIONS ========================= *** decode_clim_ray : Radiation face face type according the boundary conditions ----------------------------------------------- | Boundary conditions | Nbre of faces | -----------------------------|----------------- | Coupled with the solid | 6876 | | Imposed temperature | 0 | | Prescribed flux | 0 | | Windows | 0 | ----------------------------------------------- *** inifdf : view factors *** dimension_2d : Dimension : overall dimension =1.600000 smallest segment=0.000500 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 4469 i1=11 i2=4483 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 4471 i1=12 i2=19 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 4472 i1=4 i2=4484 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 5363 i1=5 i2=5374 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 5688 i1=7 i2=5694 *** voisic_2d : error 2 for element ielem 5902 i1=5906 i2=8 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 5903 i1=1 i2=5907 *** voisic_2d : error 2 for element ielem 5927 i1=5930 i2=2 *** voisic_2d : error 3 for element ielem 8728 i1=0 i2=8726 *** voisic_2d : error 2 for element ielem 11227 i1=11222 i2=3 *** connexe_2d : The surfacique mesh contains 9 connex surfaces and 2 connex volumes *** iniori_2d : This volume is : either already defined by a previous point either an ambiguity exists on the volume ---> check very carefully please --> try to modify the internal point position 2